Ellerbe Class of 1964 outside of Hitchcock Pub and Grill in downtown Rockingham.
Ana Corral | Richmond Daily Journal
ROCKINGHAM — The Ellerbe High School Class of 1964 hosted its 60th reunion at the Hitchcock Pub and Grill in downtown Rockingham.
Twenty classmates gathered at the pub for the third consecutive year. After Pattan’s Downtown Grille, their usual reunion spot, closed, the Class of ‘64 transitioned to Hitchcock Pub and Grill.
“We’ve been doing reunions for five, 10, 25 years, that kind of stuff,” said reunion organizer Davis Wright. “But since we’re getting a little older, a group of us decided we might just have a reunion every year. On the 58th year, we sent out an email asking who would like to get together. At that time, we held it at Pattan’s, and everyone responded positively, so that’s what we did.”
The reunion featured storytelling, from sharing cherished memories of 1964, to catching up on current events in their lives. Most classmates still reside in North Carolina. Before enjoying lunch, the group began by saying grace at the table.
Previously, the group met periodically, but the annual gatherings have now become a tradition. Over the years, classmates have stayed in touch through phone calls and emails.
“There’s not too many of us— there were 40 in our graduating class— and, of course, a number of them have passed away. We don’t have that many left, so it’s important for us to stay in touch through calls, emails, or texts,” Wright said.
Reflecting on his high school days, Wright shared, “My favorite memory of high school is the friends we made along the way.” His advice to current high schoolers: “Work hard and enjoy it.”
Wright added, “One of the greatest things about a small class is that you’re friends with everyone.”
Classmate Dennis Lovin echoed the sentiment, saying, “Just getting to talk about old times, reminiscing about what happened in 1964 when we all graduated — it’s just a wonderful day.”
Richard Blake, another classmate, recalled his favorite memory from high school: “Graduating.”
Twenty classmates, along with their spouses, attended the reunion, while nine classmates were unable to make it. To date, 15 members of the class have passed away.
Attending members of the Class of 1964 included Bill Bennett, Richard Blake, Diane Carter Kennedy, Jerry Gallimore, Hilda Grant Talbert, Jane Carriker, Kay Mabe, Kent Mabe, Eugene Iacona, Dennis Lovin, Becky McRae McGlothlin, Olin Price, Shelby Puckett Barber, Faye Richardson Lovelace, Terrell Roberts, Charles Smith, Tommy Talbert, Patsy McDonald, Carey Thompson and Davis Wright.
Reach Ana Corral at acorral@cmpapers.com