With cool evening temperatures dipping into the 50’s, livestock owners that graze bermudagrass pastures will soon see their pastures go dormant. This means pastures with perennial grasses like Bermudagrass or Bahiagrass will produce little to no forage until late April or even May. When I think of Fall, I think: ”I hope I have enough hay for the winter.” Livestock owners who can stack hay to the rafters of their barn will probably have enough to get through winter but those who cannot store large amounts could be hard-pressed to find a decent supply come February. The major hay producing areas in our region experienced moderate drought conditions throughout the summer which means there is going to be a low hay supply.
The best way to curb our reliance on hay is to consider overseeding our pastures with winter annuals. These are forage species that are planted in the fall (ideally September through October) to help compensate for the winter slump that we experience with Bermuda and Bahiagrass pastures. Winter annuals are a one-shot deal which means come May and June they mature and die. When planning a winter annual overseed, there are a few things to take into consideration.
The Economics:
Successfully establishing a stand of winter annuals requires some investment. Depending on the seed type, fertilizer source and planting method, costs can range between $100-$150 per acre. Although these expenses seem high, it is still economical compared to feeding hay for 150 days of the year. A cow herd of 25 head will consume about one 800 pound round bale per day. If the price of that round bale is $45 then the farmer feeds over $6000 worth of hay in 5 months (November to April) and this doesn’t include the labor and fuel.
Species Selection:
There are several types of forage species on the market select the ones that fit both the livestock and livestock owner’s needs. Make sure the species is frost/cold tolerant. Grasses such as ryegrass, cereal rye, triticale, and winter oats are some of the most commonly winter annual grasses utilized for pastures. It is recommended to seed ryegrass at 25-30 pounds per acre while small grains (cereal rye, wheat, or oats) should be planted at 100-120 pounds per acre. We can also incorporate some annual legumes such as crimson clover (around 10 lbs per acre).
Mixing seed types:
Research at University of Georgia has shown that annual ryegrass produces the greatest amount of forage and is the most cost effective option when compared to rye, oats and wheat. The drawback of planting ryegrass alone is the majority of growth occurs in late March and April. If forage is needed before late March, mix an earlier maturing species, such as oats or cereal rye, to spread out forage availability earlier in the year. When mixing a small grain with ryegrass, reduce ryegrass seeding rate to 15-20 pounds per acre and small grains to 75-80 pounds per acre.
Site preparation:
Ideally, we always recommend soil sampling your pastures before planting any type of forage. The reports from the soil analysis give us a fertilizer and liming recommendation to bring essential nutrients and soil pH up to acceptable levels. Considering we are on the later end of the planting window for winter annuals and soil testing is a 2-3 week turn around, use a previous report if one was taken within the last three years to come up with a fertility plan. A winter overseed will need some starter fertilizer in the fall and more in early spring as growth increases with warmer temperatures. Splitting fertilizer applications allows the forage to utilize nutrients more efficiently which leads to thick, lush stands for your livestock to graze. Alternative fertilizer sources such as poultry litter, and manure are inexpensive compared to commercial fertilizer but are harder to handle and apply without proper equipment.
To establish any winter annual forage in warm season pastures, get any excess bermudagrass or bahiagrass growth out of the way. The best way is through mowing, haying or grazing down grass down to two inches. If time is of the essence, a mower is going to be quicker than a grazing animal. After pastures are clipped/grazed down, plant your seed.
There are generally two methods for planting. First is using a no-till grain drill. Although this is the best method to overseed your pasture, no-till drills require some horsepower and must be pulled by a tractor. If you do not have access to a large tractor or no-till drill, the next option is broadcasting with a spreader followed by dragging with a chain harrow or piece of chain-link fence with weights. This will help work the seed closer to the soil and increase germination. Note: I do not recommend broadcasting oats as an overseed in bermuda. Oats are large seeds and should be drilled or lightly worked into the soil with a disc.
Grazing Management:
Depending on weather conditions, winter annuals overseeded in pastures can be slow to establish. Typically rye, oats and triticale are not ready to graze until February. Ryegrass develops much slower and is usually not ready to graze until mid-March. Try not to get impatient and graze too early! Hold off and begin grazing when plants reach 8 inches and stop grazing before plants reach 3 inches to keep from damaging stands! Winter annuals benefit from rotational grazing systems. Dividing pastures into smaller paddocks and practicing rotational grazing allows forage to rest and recover. This increases forage utilization and lowers the chances of overgrazing.
Overseeding bermudagrass pastures with winter annuals can help compensate for the winter slump in forage production and provide animals with nutritious feed in the spring.
If you are planning to overseed your pastures for spring grazing, the window is closing quickly!
If you have any questions about pasture management please contact the Richmond County Extension office at 910-997-8255.