Do you have a choice about how your tax dollar is spent? No, is the answer to that question. Should you have the right? Of course. The people we send to Washington are the ones who are accountable for how the money is spent. We have programs on the books as to how this money is paid out. In the past, I have written that the only people who are entitled to our taxed dollars are the ones who paid into this fund — that fund being Social Security. Social Security was never meant to pay out to people who did not contribute, but it does. Don’t get me wrong, my heart goes out to our young, elderly, physically and mentally impaired. Help our citizens at all costs. That’s the catch word — “our citizens,” not the world’s citizens, not the “illegal citizens,” for legally, they are not citizens.

The bleeding-heart liberals will tell you that the illegal immigrants are innocent victims. That’s not true. They are not innocent victims, but they are illegal. The victims are the working men and women of America. These are your true innocent victims. But there are other victims: our children. Just this past week, a 14-year-old child in a Maryland high school was allegedly raped by two illegals. How can you say allegedly when their DNA was found all over the child. The illegals were 17 and 18 years old but in the 9th grade. According to the bleeding hearts, these two are the innocent victims. When their own children are victims, then and only then will they see it in another light.

It’s hard enough on the workers of America to pay for programs for our own citizens. Now you have Central and South America that wish to feed on the American taxpayer. This is only a drop in the bucket. The Middle East wishes to suckle off of the American teat. If allowed, the world will bleed us dry.

The liberal progressives — if they want to share their income with them, then more power to the Left . If they wish to house them, bring them into their own homes, share their beds with the illegals’ children, let them take from your bank account, not the worker of America. Every dollar that is given to the illegal children is a dollar that is taken from our children. Every dollar used to teach the illegal’s child takes a dollar from your child’s education. Every time the illegal goes to the doctor’s office or the emergency room , there goes your tax dollar. How much more can we, the “working class,” pay? We owe the world nothing. The foreign governments that we keep up are corrupt, for the most part. Just take the time, look to the past and the billions of dollars we have sent to the continent of Africa. Here we are 50 years later and they are still starving, they still do not have enough water for their people. Why? Corruption is the only answer. Their own leaders are responsible for the fate of their people, not America. But it does not stop there — it goes deeper and comes back to Washington.

Washington throws money at the world in hopes that they will like us and see us as being a country of providers. Damn this way of thinking. The world sees us as but one thing: the fatted calf that should be slaughtered for it’s wealth. I’ve got news for you: that’s not the way most Americans see it.

More Americans are coming to the view that the world does not have the best interest in store for our people. Unlawful immigration and amnesty for current unlawful immigrants does pose a very large fiscal cost to the taxpayers.

Direct benefits include Medicare, unemployment insurance and workers comp. There are more than 80 programs — at a cost of more than $100 billion per year — that provide, cash, food, housing, medical and other services. Education comes at a cost of about $12,000 per year. As new illegals enter a community, someone has to bear the cost for services such as police, fire departments, highways. If there is any doubt, America is importing poverty. With an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in America, the $11 billion that is paid in taxes is nothing compared to what is given in return.

Once illegals get amnesty, they will contribute the same as the rest of us, right? Actually, no.

Illegal’s have less education than the average American and therefore lower incomes. If the U.S. handed out work permits, it would only add a small percentage to their overall income — less than $3,000 per worker. All this would add to the government taxes would be about $800 million. Illegal immigrants take far more in benefits than they give back. In a study from 2014 illegals, on average, gave up about $10,000 in federal and state taxes, but received $24,000 in welfare and other services. The illegal gained $14,000 per person in the form of your taxed dollar.

My next words might seem harsh but it’s the truth. Webster’s dictionary has three different definitions of a parasite. This is the one pertaining to a person. A parasite is a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. These are just the cold hard facts of where we are today.

I must add that it is not just the illegals who feed upon the taxpayer. We have a bumper crop of our own home grown parasites. The reason for this is the fact that our own government has made it too easy to do nothing. I also know that there are a lot of the illegals who do take care of themselves and their families. Those numbers do not add up to being a benefit for America. It comes down to economics, our economy and not the rest of the world’s. We can not sustain these expenses. Those who cry “we must help,” let those help them, moreso . For the most part, those who feel that way are the elite of this country and not the workers. I can pay my bills, but I can not pay yours. With the benefits that the illegal receives — and a past president who put out the red carpet for them — it is no wonder that the world’s poor want to come to America. This was all done to claim as many votes as they could. It has been determined that, on average, 65 percent of illegal immigrant households use one or more welfare programs.

Illegal immigrants have, on average, an 8th-grade education. In today’s America ,that means low-paying jobs. That works out to little to no taxes being paid in and far too many benefits that the American worker has to pay for. The illegal also receives benefits on the fact that their children were born here. So it seems that cheap labor comes at a very high cost to America. At this point, I will be looked upon as being heartless — so be it. My concern is for America and not the rest of the world. My concern is for our children and their education. As I have stated many times, we can not help the rest of the world until we have taken care of our own. At this present time in this nation’s history, it must be about our people going forward and not backwards.

Am I wrong to feel this way? Am I wrong to want the pride of knowing that our children have the best education in the world? Is it wrong to want our people safe? We should never take from our own to promote others. America is for Americans and those who wish to be here legally.

Robert Lee

Contributing Columnist