Our country, state, and county have entered a very significant election year. It is not a time for us to exercise our right and privilege not to vote, even if we aren’t satisfied with any of the potential candidates who are running for office. It is time, however, for us to weigh the campaigns and the personhoods of each candidate, consciously decide which one addresses your concerns in a concise, intelligent and wise manner, and vote.
What are your concerns? Who has stated a plan of action to address and resolve your concerns, or at least, to meet them head on?
As you know, we the people have an opportunity to make our voices heard by going to the polls and voting for the candidate(s) that we will be proud to support and claim as our leader(s). We have an opportunity to express our joy or disappointment in past legislatures and legislation. It can only happen when we wake up, say enough his enough, and vote. Let no one tell you your vote does not count. It does.
Those in power would not work so hard, even attempting to circumvent the law, to keep you from voting if your vote did not count. Please. Do not sit this one out. Our children need us. Our communities need us. Our country need us. We need each other to unite together, speak as the voice of the people, for all.
It is time for injustice towards any of God’s creation to be stopped. It is time for the people to realize that injustice towards one is injustice towards all. It is time for us to agree that no one is free until all people are free. It is time for us to attend to our environment, earth, water, air. Time out for corporate greed and corruption. No more time for gun violence, intolerance, bigotry, hate.
How do we change the world? Our vote. People, “it is our time, our vote!” We can make a difference. We can change the world. Vote for the candidates who will unite, not divide. The candidates who will strengthen, not weaken. Our lives are at stake. We need each other. Vote. Let’s vote. And as we vote, let us remember: together we stand; divided we fall. Nothing rocket scientist about that.
The Rev. Dian Griffin Jackson is pastor of Mt. Zion United Church of Christ.