Second wall up: Matt Schiro (Habitat). On wall: Frankie Taylor, Aric Ray, Brittni Faurot, Rob Edwards, Kaylie Hogan, Keith Matz (Habitat), Teanna Davis (future homeowner), Chris Brown
Enviva Hamlet recently participated in the United Way of Richmond County’s Annual Days of Caring by volunteering for a Habitat for Humanity home build in Hamlet on the first day of the three-day event.
Enviva Hamlet Plant Manager Jason Bunton and associates Rob Edwards, Brittni Faurot, Kaylie Hogan, Aric Ray, Frankie Taylor and Chris Brown enjoyed standing up the walls with future homeowner Teanna Davis during the workday.
Thanks to Habitat construction leaders Keith Matz and Matt Schiro for their guidance and sense of humor.
Congratulations to Michelle Parrish, Executive Director of the United Way of Richmond County, for once again coordinating all the volunteer efforts of area businesses.
All totaled, over 200 volunteers spent time with area outreach charities such as Habitat for Humanity, Our Daily Bread, Backpack Pals, Meals on Wheels, Richmond County Schools and the Sandhills Children Center. This year was the 14th year of the event.
“Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers for coming out and supporting local nonprofits across our community,” stated Michelle Parrish, Executive Director of United Way of Richmond County. “Together, we accomplished more than anyone could do alone, and we’re so grateful to those who generously gave their time to make a difference that will impact hundreds of people.”
In addition to volunteering, Enviva was one of the many sponsors for the Annual Days of Caring.