The Berry Patch will have some awesome, family-friendly activities coming to an agritourism center 600 feet from the World’s Largest Strawberry.
Daily Journal file photo
ELLERBE — The Berry Patch will be getting some major upgrades in preparation for some family-friendly fall fun at a new agritourism center.
A 100-foot slide, a 60’ by 30’ inflatable jumping pillow, a corn pit, a pumpkin patch, hay rides, multiple picnic areas and a feeding zoo are in the process of being built and constructed for a grand opening in late September or early October.
Berry Patch owner Lee Berry said he purchased the land, within “spitting distance” of the popular ice cream and fresh produce destination, about 2 and a half years ago. Since then, they’ve cleared the land, removed trees and stumps to get ready for the agritourism center, which will be about 600 feet from the existing property.
Children will be able to slide down the massive, 30 degree angle slide in a burlap sack. The jumping pillow will arrive from Tennessee next week, and construction is being finalized on a corn pit for young children to jump and play in.
There will be brand new shelters and picnic areas on the new site. A corn maze will not be ready in time for this year, but should be available next fall. In a video posted online, Berry also said he would like to have a little race track with pedal cars.
“It’s a place you can come spend 3-4 hours,” Berry said. “We’ll have food trucks out here, and of course, Berry Patch ice cream.”
Berry said he wanted to restore some of the activities that were available at the former site of original Berry Patch location 15 years ago. This new land allows them to do that. Berry added that a goal of this project is to have a garden area for children to learn more about where and how the food they consume is created.
“I want to educate some of these kids that don’t see anything about agriculture,” Berry said. “It won’t be large scale, but they can get the gist of what farming is about. Ellerbe got its grassroots on tobacco and peaches — it’s not there anymore. It’s sad that Richmond County has to take their kids out of the county to these type of fun activities…As much as I can, I want to keep people here in Richmond County and employ 2-3 more people [with the AG center].”
The address for the new agritourism center will be 151 Cargo Road in Ellerbe. Berry said there will be a single admission fee for all guests that will allow them to take part in all of the activities, and the only upcharge will be for the pumpkins. Berry said they already have seven acres of 22-types of pumpkins already planted.
“It’s a place for family to come and just have a good time and fellowship and let kids play together, and enjoy the atmosphere of fall,” Berry concluded.
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