Hundreds walked through Downtown Rockingham for the annual parade. This is the first time it’s been held since 2020.
                                 Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

Hundreds walked through Downtown Rockingham for the annual parade. This is the first time it’s been held since 2020.

Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

<p>Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal</p>

Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

<p>Following the parade, over a 100 people gathered in front of the courthouse steps to honor the life of MLK.</p>
                                 <p>Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal</p>

Following the parade, over a 100 people gathered in front of the courthouse steps to honor the life of MLK.

Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

<p>Dante Bowe performs at Rockingham Middle School following the parade.</p>
                                 <p>Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal</p>

Dante Bowe performs at Rockingham Middle School following the parade.

Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

ROCKINGHAM — The life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. throughout the weekend by the MLK Celebration Foundation.

“Even with the gains of the Civil Rights Movement over the years, there are many goals and needs that need to be pursued to continue our commitment to achieving justice in our society, including a commitment to economic justice and the face of increasing disparity between rich and poor,” stated Ellerbe Mayor Brenda Capel on the courthouse steps following the parade, adding that this day can be an opportunity the ideas of MLK.

Parade honorees and former NFL players Tony Horne (St. Louis Rams), James Hamilton (Jacksonville Jaguars) and Harry Stanback (Baltimore Colts), each had a chance to address the over 100 people in attendance of a ceremony after the parade. The theme for this year’s festivities was “Dream Believe Do in 2023.”

“We’ve all been given the energies, the motivations, the direction the path that Martin Luther King put us on, that dream, that belief that we can be better,” said Hamilton.

Stanback recalled his time at Leak Street School with Principal J.C. Watkins, who passed away last week and began the MLK Celebration Foundation in 1993.

“Don’t let nobody tell you that you can’t do something,” Stanback said. “The only person that can stop you from doing something is you,” encouraging young people to “bet” on themselves.

Horne used his time to thank those who work the youth in the community, particularly John Carter and his work with Raider Elite Youth.

“Everybody that participates with the youth and gives back your time (like Project Focus),” Horne said. “I appreciate what you guys are doing. “

Horne said it’s not a privilege to play football, but it is a privilege to be alive.

“Keep dreaming,” Horne said. “Never let no one take away your dreams. Put God first and he will direct your path.”

The grandniece of J.C. Watkins, Jennifer Watkins, led a moment of silence for all loved ones who were unable to attend the event.

“He loved the parade and literally never missed a year,” she said. “Even at the age of 100 years old, I know without a doubt in my mind that he would have been here today. We thank God for the life he lived and may the work he has done continue to speak for him.”

Mayor John Hutchinson declared that Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023 would officially be Dante Bowe Day. The Grammy-award winning singer said he was overwhelmed by the honor.

“Rockingham literally showed me the world in a way that I never thought I needed,” Bowe said. “I learned how to ride a bike here, I learned my ABC’s here , I went to school year. Everything I know started here.”

Bowe thanked his granny in the audience, saying that she’s the reason he’s a gospel artist today.

“We’re all unique,” Bowe said. “We have our own unique gifts and our own unique talents. Our job is just to walk in obedience and always be thankful to God.”

Ellerbe Councilman Jeremy McKenzie closed the parade with a prayer.

“We thank you for the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, God,” McKenzie said, also mentioning the lives of J.C. Watkins and Sheriff James Clemmons.

A few hours later, Dante Bowe performed at Rockingham Middle School along with a youth talent show for the community.

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Reach Matthew Sasser at 910-817-2671 or to suggest a correction.