Four members of the Richmond County Board of Education were sworn-in on Thursday by Clerk of Superior Court Vickie Daniel. From left to right, Cory Satterfield, Scott Baldwin, Bobbie Sue Ormsby and Daryl Mason were joined by friends and family. Ormsby, who will continue to serve as Vice Chair, and Mason were re-elected to the Board; Baldwin and Satterfield are new to their positions. “I feel like Richmond County School as a whole is moving in a great direction,” Baldwin said during the meeting. Satterfield agreed, adding “I’m looking forward to the next four years.”
                                 Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

Four members of the Richmond County Board of Education were sworn-in on Thursday by Clerk of Superior Court Vickie Daniel. From left to right, Cory Satterfield, Scott Baldwin, Bobbie Sue Ormsby and Daryl Mason were joined by friends and family. Ormsby, who will continue to serve as Vice Chair, and Mason were re-elected to the Board; Baldwin and Satterfield are new to their positions. “I feel like Richmond County School as a whole is moving in a great direction,” Baldwin said during the meeting. Satterfield agreed, adding “I’m looking forward to the next four years.”

Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

<p>A 3-D rendering of the plaza area outside of the planned auxiliary gym.</p>
                                 <p>Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal</p>

A 3-D rendering of the plaza area outside of the planned auxiliary gym.

Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

<p>A 3-D rendering of the new auxiliary gym at RSHS. Board members were able to see how the gym will be fit into the current layout of the school.</p>
                                 <p>Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal</p>

A 3-D rendering of the new auxiliary gym at RSHS. Board members were able to see how the gym will be fit into the current layout of the school.

Matthew Sasser | Daily Journal

HAMLET — Matt Bramstedt, project manager for the three future construction projects at Richmond Senior High School and Fairview Heights and Mineral Springs Elementary, updated the Richmond County Board of Education about those projects Thursday afternoon.

All of the projects must be completed by September 2024 as they are subject to federal guidelines through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. ESSER funds come from the U.S. Department of Education through the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). LS3P is the architectural firm that is completing the work on this project.

Through the funds, RSHS will be receiving an auxiliary gym along with six classrooms. Fairview Heights will be receiving a gym, while Mineral Springs will be obtaining six additional classrooms.

During the update, Bramstedt, the K-12 Sector Leader at LS3P, said they were wrapping up the schematic design phase.

The auxiliary gym at RSHS will be nestled between the existing gym and the CTE building. There will be a new entry and plaza area in addition to the existing courtyard. The gym will be able to hold 400 spectators with bleachers on both sides. The gym could be used for various sports competitions, as well as daily RSHS activities.

In May, Superintendent Dr. Jeff Maples and members of the Superintendent’s 2021-22 Student Advisory Council met to discuss plans and options for the 28,000 square foot auxiliary gym.

“We’ve been fortunate to receive student and teacher feedback about these spaces,” Bramstedt said. “Their comments have been incorporated.”

The gym at Fairview Heights will be a standalone structure with an “efficient layout.” A covered pathway will connect the gym to the southside of the school. Bleachers are not planned for the gym, although they can be added.

At Mineral Springs, the six-class room addition will be along the north side of the school, adjacent to the playground. Construction of the building will not interfere with student’s ability to get to the playground.

“The design of this particular project is to create that continuity in the whole building,” Bramstedt said.

Board member Daryl Mason expressed concerns that the new classrooms at RSHS will have windows that peer into the gym. He said this could be a distraction for students. Bramstedt said that the windows could be removed, or that blinds could be put in place.

“We’re doing great in terms of schedule,” Bramstedt said. “We’re excited to move forward.”

Budget amendment

Finance Office Tina Edmonds said there was a decrease of $201,846 for instructional services, and an increase of $418,165 for system-wide support services, both state funds.

For federal funds, there was a decrease of $309,755 for instructional services, a decrease of $11,035 for system-wide support services, an increase of $131,291 for ancillary services and an increase of $215,297 for fund transfers.

Chairman Wiley Mabe remarked that they’re operating on a continuation budget as the state budget has not yet been approved. He inquired if there was any news on funding for transportation. Edmonds replied none that she was aware of at the time.

“We know how much it cost last year, all of know what diesel has done,” Mabe said following discussion with the athletic director. “That’s a concern all the way around.”

Maples, Watkins to leave positions

Superintendent Maples and Dr. Amber Watkins, Exceptional Children’s Director, will no longer hold their positions effective July 31.

“It has been the highlight of my career in education to serve this district as superintendent, and I have been truly blessed to work with such dedicated teachers, support staff, administrators and board members,” wrote Maples in a June letter. “I am inspired daily as I visit schools and classrooms to witness first hand the outstanding work you do for the children of Richmond County.”

He has worked for 34 years in public education across Lee, Moore and Richmond County. Maples added that he still wants to be involved with the school system following his retirement.

Watkins has worked 17 years in public education as a teacher, coach and administrator, with the past five years of her career in Richmond County.

“It’s been an honor to serve the people of Richmond County,” she said. “I’ve always wanted to be inclusive in disability support.”

Watkins will be spending more time with her children, but added that she will continue to be an advocate and resource for those in the community.

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Reach Matthew Sasser at 910-817-2671 or To suggest a correction, email or call 910-817-2673.