The deadline for all Community Calendar items is 4:30 p.m. the day prior to publishing. To list your event, email Matt Harrelson at or call 910-817-2674. Please send an email or call as soon as possible if your event is canceled due to weather.
November 2
RICHMOND COUNTY AGING SERVICES will be passing out flu shots provided by Richmond County Health Department from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Ellerbe Senior Center. For more information, call 910-652-6006. For seniors age 55 and over. Call to reserve a spot. Will need to bring Medicare or insurance card and picture ID.
ROHANEN HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1959 will meet for lunch at noon at Fatz Café in Rockingham.
November 3
ANNUAL INGATHERING AND BARBECUE PLATE SALE will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Cordova United Methodist Church, 130 Ledbetter St., Cordova. Plates are $8 each for dine-in or carry-out. A drive-thru will be available.
RIBBON CUTTING for Bold Moves Dance Company’s new location in downtown Rockingham will be held at 11:30 a.m.
CANDLELIGHT REFLECTIONS, a public candlelight service, will be held at 6 p.m. at Cole Auditorium, 1042 W. Hamlet Ave., Hamlet. Come light a candle at a community celebration that honors family and friends who provide support, love and care through life’s most difficult times; raises public awareness and hope for those living with Alzheimer’s or other chronic illnesses; and to remember loved ones that have now gone. Contact Nikki Sewell at 910-582-7985 for additional information or directions.
November 5
COUNTRY BREAKFAST will be held from 7 to 10 a.m. at Spring Hill Wesleyan Church, Spring Hill Church Road, Hamlet. Cost is $6 for all-you-can-eat. Carry-out plates available. Call 910-582-5150 for more information. Funds raised will go for future projects, missions and those in need.
DISCOVERY PLACE KIDS I CAN BE ANYTHING FAIR will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Discovery Place Kids-Rockingham, 233 E. Washington St.
MOUNT PISGAH CLOTHES CLOSET will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 1015 Leak St., Rockingham, giving away free women’s, men’s and children’s clothes.
CHRISTMAS IN THE HEAT FALL CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT will begin at noon at Sports Connection, 32 Main St., Hamlet. Sign up will be at 11 a.m. Cost is $30 per team. There will be a 50/50 cash prize, drink specials and live music starting at 9 p.m. For any questions or lane sponsorships, call Donny Sweatt at 910-670-4208 or email Cash pay out for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. All proceeds go to care packages for overseas military units.
November 7
A MATTER OF BALANCE: MANAGING CONCERNS ABOUT FALLS will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. each Monday and Wednesday from Nov. 7 through Dec. 5 at the Hamlet Senior Center, 102 Veterans Drive. Matter of Balance is an 8-session class that is offered free to seniors age 55 and up. Light, healthy snacks will be provided. Registration deadline is Nov. 4. For more information, call 910-582-7985.
November 8
RICHMOND COUNTY NAACP will have their monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at St. Peters United Methodist Church, 205 N. Bridges St., Hamlet. Officers will be elected during the meeting. All members and officers are encouraged to attend.
November 11
VETERANS DAY BLOOD DRIVE BY THE AMERICAN RED CROSS will be from 2:30 to 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 2116 Main St., Ellerbe. Sign up online with the sponsor code “First Baptist Church Ellerbe” or contact Elsie Freeman at 910-817-4720 to make an appointment for a whole blood or double red cell donation.
November 12
PANCAKE BREAKFAST sponsored by the East Rockingham United Methodist Church men’s club will be from 7 to 10 a.m. in the church fellowship hall. The charge is $4 for all-you-can-eat. A sweets and crafts sale will be held at the same time.
CONCEALED CARRY CLASS will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 573 Battley Dairy Road, Hamlet. This nine hour course will equip the participant with the skills and knowledge needed to operate and carry their handgun concealed. This class is presented in the classroom and on the range. Students must bring a handgun and 50 rounds of ammunition. After completing the class successfully, students will receive a certificate that allows them to apply with the state for their concealed carry permit. Must be 21 to participate. Pre-registration and deposit required. Cost of the class is $80. For more information, contact Robert Taylor at 910-995-3387.
ANNUAL CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS SALE hosted by the ladies group of Spring Hill Wesleyan Church will be from 10 a.m. to noon at the church off N.C. 38 on Spring Hill Church Road, Hamlet. Plates will be $7, bowls of dumplings $4 and collard sandwiches for $5. Baked goods and a country store with handmade crafts will also be available. A small indoor yard sale will be added this year. Money raised will go to missions and local projects. For more information, call 910-419-2913.
November 16
CONNECTIONS FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM will host a prescription drug use workshop from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of First United Methodist Church, 410 E. Washington St., Rockingham. Emily Nicholson with Alcohol and Drug Services and Detective Sgt. Ty Rucker with the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office will discuss which prescription medications are being abused, how to properly dispose of prescription medications, the warning signs of prescription drug use and the short and long term effects of prescription drug abuse. Lunch and materials will be provided free. Deadline to register is Nov. 11. Contact Suzanne Maness at 910-627-1769, toll-free at 877-211-5995 or by email at to register.
November 17
CONNECTIONS FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM will host a monthly caregiver and foster parent support group from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Richmond County Department of Social Services, 125 Caroline St., Rockingham. This is a time for caregivers and foster parents to share their experiences and learn from others, while obtaining support and resources. Dinner will be provided free. Deadline to register is Nov. 14. Contact Suzanne Maness at 910-627-1769, toll-free at 877-211-5995 or by email at to register.
November 19
21ST ANNUAL FARMERS DAY PARADE AND ELLERBE FALL FEST will begin at 11 a.m. on Main Street. Local food and craft vendors will be on site. For more information on the parade, contact Willa Spivey or Jamie English at 910-997-5551, Alan Hogan at 910-652-5216 or Jamie Lambeth or Amy Yaklin at 910-895-3950 ext. 2. For vendor information, contact English.
2ND ANNUAL RICHMOND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL will take place at 6:30 p.m. at Cole Auditorium. Bands for the event include Sideline, Lost and Found and Deeper Shade of Blue. Tickets for the event are $25-$40 but increase $5 on the day of. Call 910-410-1691 for ticket details or visit the box office at the venue at 1042 West Hamlet Ave., Hamlet.
November 29
COLUMBIA CITY BALLET PRESENTS THE NUTCRACKER AT COLE beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Cole Auditorium on the campus of Richmond Community College. DeWitt season ticket holders use their tickets for entry but single single show tickets are available for $35 each. Call 910-410-1691 or ticket details or visit the box office at the venue at 1042 West Hamlet Ave., Hamlet.
December 15
THE HAMLET SENIOR CENTER will be hosting a toy drive for Toys for Tots until Dec. 15. New, unwrapped toys to support underprivileged children of Richmond County can be dropped off from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday in the boxes located at the Hamlet Senior Center, 102 Veterans Drive, and Hamlet City Hall, 201 Main Street.
December 17
RICHMOND COUNTY PARTNERSHIP FOR CHILDREN will present the inaugural Christmas run at Hinson Lake. The Rudolph Run/Walk 5K for ages 15 and up will begin with registration at 7:30 a.m. for a fee of $25 and the Santa Shuffle 1K for ages 1-14 will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. for a fee of $15. Pre-register beginning Oct. 15 at Richmond County Partnership for Children, 315 S. Lawrence St., Rockingham. Registration fee will include a T-shirt and pre-registration guarantees a T-shirt. There will be T-shirts available on the day of the event, however, sizes and quantity will be limited.