First Posted: 2/16/2012


You should truly state facts not opinions when referring to situations like this. There are many things on here that you can state opinions about but something like this…I know for a fact many kids that are placed on teams that have nothing, there parents are impossible to deal with, and they have no past in the sport that they are in; however, at the place I am talking about there are numerous children that are picked based on their want to be there, the passion they show during try outs, and most of all the attitude they have toward instructions and rules. I understand what you are saying but it is not true across the board. By stating,
"If the parents don’t have money or a well known name in this county the child doesn’t stand a chance on getting onto the team. It’s all in who you know in this town, that’s what determines whether or not your child will get to play sports" well, it is just not the complete truth here.

Read more: Richmond County Daily Journal – From a concerned parent